今日は or Magda's Overly Elaborate Cooking

This begins in October 2006 with my trip to Japan but segues into images of things I have cooked.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


So today I went to this meeting in the office of international affairs and the two guys who went last year and Scott and Steve and I sat around and they talked a lot about people that went to Chiba in the past. I got another map from the train to the dorm, which is pretty much like the other ones, but I think I am clearer on how to get out of the station. I hung out with Scott for a while afterwards (okay, I waited for the bus with him because I had nothing else to do and not really enough time to go home before work) and we talked some. It's kind of weird talking to him because I knew him in high school but he was two years ahead of me and I never really talked to him then (I mean, come on. Juniors don't talk to freshmen and seniors don't talk to sophomores). But it keeps coming up that we went to the same school and both took Japanese then (but he ony took it three years) and so everyone just assumes we're like old friends and have stuff to say to each other.

I must admit, Scott and I both kind of say things about Dave, which is easy because he either a: shows up late or b: doesn't show up at all. And he was saying about how he's just going to say he's Taiwanese and not that he is American and hang out with the chinese kids, which is fine by Scott and me since he's kind of not exactly rude but not exactly going out of his way to be nice, but I think that the Chinese chinese kids are going to snub him saying he is American, not chinese.

The meeting was exceptionally useful in one regard for me, though - this guy Evan who was there last year gave me the key to his bike lock and told me roughly where he left it and stuff, so if I can find a gray bike with a basket that the key fits, I'll have a bicycle as soon as I get there. woot. Which means I will have not brought my bike helmet in vain.

My suitcase weighs 66 pounds. the limit is 70. I cannot add anything else to it. It's full to the point of explosion. So ismy carryon and my backpack. Also, my coat pockets. Too bad it's supposed to be 80 in Chicago on Monday and 75 in Chiba on Tuesday. Otherwise the two coats I am going to be "wearing" would have been useful. It's okay though, I have a bag smushed up right at the top of my ginormous duffle bag to put my coat in.

I need to get a few more passport sized photos to take with. Can anyone think of anything useful I might have forgotten? I also need to get a thermometer.

My grammar is so bad when I type, but I am too lazy to go through and fix it because then I am tempted to get rid of stuff.


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