今日は or Magda's Overly Elaborate Cooking

This begins in October 2006 with my trip to Japan but segues into images of things I have cooked.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

birthday parties

Kim's party was at Plumeria. We had stuffed tomatoes, taco rice (in the picture it hasa scoop of egg salad on top) and some other stuff, including a cake! I was impressed I got a picture of Kim blowing out the candles. Kind of. After that, for Jose's birthday, Daniel brought his wii and we played with that for a while (I was really bad) and then went to the park and hung out there. Jose bought sparklers, and yet again I was amazed no one got set on fire(the picture is Pejman and Hassibi). It was a very long night, especially since I didn't even take my usual nap before staying up until 5 am.

Today Scott and I went to a conveyor belt sushi place in Chiba with Gene. It was really good. I'm still tired, but I am going to play DDR with Louise for a little while before bed for some exercise. I went running this morning and hopefully combined with not eating so much today will counteract the extreme overconsumption of last night.


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