今日は or Magda's Overly Elaborate Cooking

This begins in October 2006 with my trip to Japan but segues into images of things I have cooked.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

I got a piece of mail that was not a bill!

But I'm not really sure what it is. Something about hot water heaters and there's a form to mail back and a list of what I assume are affected models. But it's strange that it's actually addressed to me. Also, the return address is in Kyoto. On Monday I'm going to take it to the office.

I'm sad because today I was going to cut up a carrot and so I set my little bowl on the sink edge and it fell on the floor and broke. So now I only have big bowls. But it did break into four big pieces so maybe I can buy some ceramic glue and stick it back together. Right now all I have is a glue stick.

I washed my sheets today too - I was trying to avoid having to do much more laundry, but they really needed it. It was really sunny today, though, so they got dry fast. And I started doing a little more packing - I filled my carryon suitcase with most of the books I'm bringing back (which is a small portion of what I have, I'm pretty much giving away anything that's not a Japanese book or a cookbook (plus three novels)) and I can barely lift it. Hopefully when I put the rest of my clothes in the big suitcases they won't be to the weight limit so I can stick some of the books in there.

And I can't decide if I need to get more presents for people when I come back. I figure since I already got a bunch of people Japanese presents at Christmas, I don't need to get them a second souvenier - I just need things for a few people I didn't see at Christmas. Plus a few backup presents, just in case. Or maybe I'll bring a bunch of snack food back for people. I guess it depends on space.

I was just trying to find where the Harry Potter movie will be playing, since it's supposed to open in Japan June 28, but none of the theaters in Chiba are even going to have it until mid-July. I guess I need to look for one in Tokyo proper if I want to have the fun of gloating that I saw it first.

Anyways, I'm going to go sleep on my nice, freshly laundered sheets.


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