今日は or Magda's Overly Elaborate Cooking

This begins in October 2006 with my trip to Japan but segues into images of things I have cooked.

Friday, November 30, 2007


It has been really cold the last couple mornings while waiting for the train. I am starting to miss the warm weather in Chiba, sort of. Tonight there is supposed to be some sort of ice/snow/sleet storm, making tomorrow morning entirely unpleasant. Unless it snows in the shape of a castle from medieval Japan. Then it would be kind of cool. But highly unlikely.

I am now about 1/4 done with my Christmas shopping. and I've only bought one thing for myself. I'm trying to plan what to do for New Years and only Robyn has replied so far... maybe I should not do anything and just go to bed at 9:30 like usual.

I am taking the GRE on Tuesday so I must frantically study for it since it cost $140 and I had better do good for that much money!!! The questions are not actually that hard, except when the verbal questions use words I absolutely do not recognize. Makes me feel kind of dumb.

We had pizza for dinner.

Tomorrow is James's birthday!!! He is having a glam-rock 80's-ish themed party.I have found two costumes, but I haven't decided if I will go as an 80's exerciser (wearing shortshorts and an old tshirt from a race in 1984) or wearing this ridiculous shiny gold shirt I have with black leggings and a miniskirt.

I admit it, I cheated - that's a photo of my little brother James's cake from this year, not my friend James. He would have a few more candles. Pictures Sunday.


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