今日は or Magda's Overly Elaborate Cooking

This begins in October 2006 with my trip to Japan but segues into images of things I have cooked.

Monday, March 26, 2007

I should really look to find out when things are open.

Today we went to Tokyo and went to the Pokemon Center. It was just a store with lots of pokemon things. Pokemon stuffed animals and lunch boxes and candy and cards and lots of small children. It was surprisingly crowded for a Monday morning. Then we walked to the Imperial Palace garden. Which turned out to be closed on Mondays :( Oh well. We saw the outside of the wall. I'll make Aaron look at my pictures of the Imperial Palace in Kyoto tonight. Then in the afternoon we went to Akihabara and looked at many electronics stores. Things weren't much cheaper there, except for really old versions or questionable stores. In some of the alleys the stores had bins of computer bits and other electronica sitting out on the street. Some stores seemed to specialize in erotic manga, so we didn't really go in any comic shops. It was kind of dingy and we didn't go upstairs in any of the buildings because it seemed kind of forbidding. I'm sure had we gone (or figured out where to go up) stairs in some of the buildings it would have been more entertaining.

We came back and went to Saty and got yogurt. We had talked about going out for yakiniku but I think we are both not hungryenough for that and so we decided to just buy meat at the store and eat it. Maruetsu had some dated as being packed this morning already marked down because apparently they are not having meat for the next two days starting at 6 pm and had lots of empty refridgerator space (maybe they are cleaning them or getting new ones or something). But then we saw a pizza by the prepared food. So the meat is right under the freezer to get eaten tomorrow for dinner and the pizza is (mostly) eaten. It was pretty good, it had eggplant, salami, bacon, corn, mushrooms, peppers and olives on it.

There are new air conditioners sitting in the hallway... and worker people working in the empty ones. I hope they either hurry up and do mine tonight or do it tomorrow while we are not here so I can wash clothes and have some place to hang up my laundry. I'm nearly out of socks!


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