今日は or Magda's Overly Elaborate Cooking

This begins in October 2006 with my trip to Japan but segues into images of things I have cooked.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Goodbye, Aaron :'(

I took Aaron to the airport this morning and we walked around and shopped a bit because we got there before the check in counter opened. He checked in and we walked a bit more and then went back to security - there hadn't been anyone there before, but then there was a line. It only took about 5 minutes for him to go through and then I waved at him through the window and then I went to the train. It was kind of sad, but on the other hand, it means that I only have 16 more weeks of Japan (until the ticket I have right now is for, but I might have to change it). So that makes me happy because that's not that long a time. It sounds shorter to say 16 weeks than 4 months. And 16 weeks is how long a semester at UIC is. Speaking of which, I get to sign up for fall classes on Friday. Ironically, I'll be signed up for August before I've gotten the schedule for classes next week. This is aggravating. But my schedule next fall looks good, and none of the classes I'm going to take are going to be hard to get into. At least, I hope not...

I was really cold walking back from the train because I wore my new coat but it was damp and windy. brr. It had been so nice the last few days, so I guess it's good the weather got bad when we weren't going anywhere anymore. I stayed in my room and read a book this afternoon. Now I am going to bed.


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