今日は or Magda's Overly Elaborate Cooking

This begins in October 2006 with my trip to Japan but segues into images of things I have cooked.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

John Reed and Sen Katayama did not serve concurrently in Comintern

expensive pastry
That is what I learned today while finishing my economics paper. I don't think that it is a particularly useful fact, other than to know that Reed died in 1920 and Katayama joined in 1921. But they were both buried in the Kremlin.

It's very windy out, the clothesline was swingingly wildly and the emergency door in the hall is rattling on its hinges.

I got a crossaint stick this morning, it had chocolate and almonds and little bits of candied orange peel on top. It was very yummy. So was the small loaf of bread I got (and ate most of it, with butter for lunch, and with a repeat of egg lemon soup for dinner). But these Japanese bakeries make Dinkels look like an absolute bargain. For some things, at least. A pastry this fancy looking would probably cost close to the 168 it cost here. But it was soooooooo good. Now that I started eating the expensive and really good bread from the bakery, all I want to eat is bread... bread and more bread. And perhaps with a smudge of butter... I miss Chicago, where good bread was much more readily available and much more reasonably priced.

Superbowl tomorrow! but really, it's on Monday morning... so the day after tomorrow. Hopefully the Bears will win, or at least choke early in the game so as to not make everyone too anxious.


  • At 12:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    wait bread is $1.68? you can't buy a bosco stick at UIC (which is nasty btw) for that little. expensive you say... ^_^


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