今日は or Magda's Overly Elaborate Cooking

This begins in October 2006 with my trip to Japan but segues into images of things I have cooked.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Today the weather reports were all conflicting - one said rain, one said sun and one said partly cloudy. I laid around all morning reading, and when I finally got dressed and went to the store to buy meat for dinner, it was sunny. But when I got outside it was also raining :( I walked to maruetsu in the rain anyways, because I was too lazy to go back for an umbrella, and got eggs and beef (which I cooked and ate with barbeque sauce) and then went back. It was raining harder then, so I was kind of wishing I'd gone back for an umbrella. But now it's thundering. Just a minute ago there was a clap of thunder so loud the window rattled. But that seemed to have been the storm's ending, because now it's faraway sounding. This is the first lightining I've seen in months and months, and combined with the greenish sky makes me wonder if there are tornado sirens here... I suppose I'll ask about that on Friday at orientation and get weird looks from everyone else.

Hopefully by the end of next week (or the week after that at the latest) I'll know when classes will be over and when I will be home. Last semester a couple of the teachers didn't decide when the last day of classwould be until the week before and that is just not going to work because of (probably) needing to change the airplane ticket. I guess I'm glad I didn't go home at the end of last semester, but I'm pretty sure by the beginning of June I'll be practicing packing my suitcases. Only sixteen weeks until my current return ticket is for, and that's how long a semester is too...


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