今日は or Magda's Overly Elaborate Cooking

This begins in October 2006 with my trip to Japan but segues into images of things I have cooked.

Friday, October 20, 2006

they say it's your birthday, it's my birthday too, yeah

Now I am 21.

Today's been rather hectic, this morning I went and paid my rent and got a package from Aaron's mom with yarn for my birthday and then had my first vocab quiz in Japanese class (I knew all the words, but I think I spelled one of them wrong). I met my tutor for lunch, she got me a present (a little tin of candy). Some lady accosted us while we were walking to the cafeteria wanting to know if I could teach her French. Chisaki told her I was American, I didn't know French. For lunch I had a breaded pork chop (tonkatsu) and french fries... we were almost done eating and the lady who wanted to learn French sat at the table next to us and then ran back and bought us mochi (they were really good) and talked at us about (well, I'm not sure, but I think) how she learned French when she was young and wanted to relearn it, but she did not want a guy to teach her. (It turns out she'd asked all of us white people and the Canadian guy didn't know enough French to suit her immediately). Law and Society was so boring, I was supposed to summarize and come up with discussion questions based on the reading, but I started giving my summary and he interrupted me and talked for like 45 minutes about something and then was like what's your next point... I was kind of mad at him, but I got some lists made. Psych was fine, we got the book (it had already come from amazon) and we got to go early. Silke and I came back and went to the store and then remembered we had forgotten to go pick up the photocopies of the next set of reading for the law class, so we ran (while riding our bikes) back and he was still there, drinking wine with a couple of other people, and offered us some... I said we were riding bicycles and therefore could not join him for a glass of wine. It was kind of weird. I just took a shower and now I'm waiting for my hair to dry and then we are going to some pub type place near the school that Gene (one of the kids from maryland) has been to and said was nice.

And that is all for now.


  • At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    sounds like a crazy, hectic day.
    will love to hear the next chapter about your evening

  • At 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Was it weird to have your birthday soooo far from people you know? I would be weirded out. But then again, you know I like to be dramatic. :) Hope it was great!


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