今日は or Magda's Overly Elaborate Cooking

This begins in October 2006 with my trip to Japan but segues into images of things I have cooked.

Friday, November 10, 2006


The Hispanic guys go to Costco about once a month and we are going to try to go with them tomorrow... or we might just go on our own if they are being slow. Scott's super excited about it and I'm hoping they will have some American food, although I don't really need any food at the moment.

I did wash my hair this morning and now it's really fluffy and kind of frizzy... it will look better in a couple days when it succumbs to gravity again.

I wish these teachers would give us a more specific assignment for what to write our final papers about. My history teacher did actually give us a good description and I've already written that one. I'm going to try to write the paper for Law and Society on Sunday, he said we should write it about something we read in class, so I will just write on what I presented about, the differences in common law and civil law. I should be able to write 2 to 5 pages about that in an hour and a half if I don't waste time playing solitaire.

I have so much stuff here that I brought from home that I don't use at all. After I read the books I brought I haven't touched them, and I haven't worn a lot of the clothes I brought with much frequency. There's no real advantage to having more than two weeks' worth of clothes because there is not enough space to hang up more than about ten days' worth. I need to keep some of the stuff here that I haven't worn yet because it's seasonally dependant, but I dont really need as many tshirts as I have, or dress shirts (I've only worn two of the five I brought). I need to keep the couple sleeveless shirts for the summer. Those green suede ballet flats I have are really cute and incredibly impractical if I want to, you know, actually walk anywhere with any speed or ride my bike. I never wore them much at home either, but I thought I would try. I really like them and if I didn't have to ride the bike all the time I think I would wear them more. I just feel like I have a lot of stuff mostly because the germans and Emily (from australia) could only bring 30 kilograms of stuff in total, so I have more than twice as much as they do. The other American girls have a lot of clothes too, though.

And what was I thinking bringing a month's worth of socks? I don't even wear socks every day and I have to do laundry twice a month or else not be able to spread it out enough to dry. Some of those are definately going back to Chicago and staying there at Christmas.


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