今日は or Magda's Overly Elaborate Cooking

This begins in October 2006 with my trip to Japan but segues into images of things I have cooked.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

so we had pizza hut.

It was everything I usually despise about chain pizza - the crust was a little too fluffy and the sauce wasn't as thick as I like it, but I'd have to say, it tasted like real pizza. My stomach is happy. I had bacon (which was really more like ham) and mushroom... not my favorite toppings, but it was the cheapest. We had heard wednesdays were half price day, but apparentally that location doesn't do it. (perhaps because too many students took advantage of it). We did get a discount for picking the pizza up ourselves, though, instead of delivery. They put it in this crazy plastic bag that kept the box flat but still enabled us to have a handle. I managed to restrain myself and only ate half of it, but my mouth wanted to eat the whole thing. Probably better for my midsection that I exercised some restraint. I really ought to be more attentive to what I'm eating, but I keep being so hungry. Must be stress or something, but I need to cut back on the junk food. I've started chewing gum when I'm sitting on the computer doing nothing, which is good because it keeps me from eating snacks. That was something I did this summer while on vacation to prevent myself from eating the whole time we were driving to the pacific ocean and back.


  • At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    How long does it take you to get to Tokyo from Chiba? Do you think you'll ever get to go into Kyoto while you're there? I hear there is a cemetary in Kyoto or thereabouts where, during the Edo period, the lord that presided over the tale of the 47 ronin, and all of the ronin that were alive at by the time he had justice, were buried after Seppuku. I want to go there some day and leave an offering to the daughter, who was illegitimate and may have helped save her father's honor. ^_^

  • At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oops, sorry, that long comment was from me.

  • At 4:27 PM, Blogger Magdalena said…

    It takes about an hour to go to Tokyo... I plan to go to Kyoto over spring vacation... I am not sure where this cemetary youspeak of is, but isn't that what one of the Kurosawa films is about?


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