今日は or Magda's Overly Elaborate Cooking

This begins in October 2006 with my trip to Japan but segues into images of things I have cooked.

Friday, November 03, 2006

I want to eat bread!

and eat and eat and eat bread... but I don't think I should do that, my pants will stop fitting if I gave in and was to eat as much bread as I really want to. Also, the good bread is kind of expensive to binge eat like that.

I want a crossaint, and they do actually have them at the bakeries, but I'm afraid to get one and be horribly disappointed in it. I've been eating this gigantic things called sweet bread or roll or something, that are round and about 8 inches across and taste like hawaiian bread, but I think they each have like 500 calories, which is okay for breakfast... and they are actually pretty good. But alac, they just aggravate my bread desires...

I got a box of holiday koala cookies, and the outside of them are chocolate cookie with caramel cream filling... so delicious.

I tried to make something like ceviche with tofu and cucumber, but I put too much onion in and they only had lemon juice at the grocery store... so I think when I eat it for lunch, I'll have to remove most of the onion and then cook something with onion either tonight or tomorrow.

The hispanic guys have decided that this weekend they are going to go clubbing in Tokyo and then go to get sushi for breakfast at the fish markets... this was supposed to happen last weekend but everyone wimped out (including me) and I'm not sure I have enough energy to be able to stay awake for twice as long as I usually do.

I should really do laundry soon, but it's supposed to get cloudy this afternoon... but I guess no day this week is going to be clear and sunny - in response to what you said, James, everyone hangs their laundry out to dry because the dryers here cost 100 yen (a dollar) for TWENTY minutes. Also, everyone in Japan seems to hang up their clothes, and all the rooms have a little porch for that very purpose.


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