今日は or Magda's Overly Elaborate Cooking

This begins in October 2006 with my trip to Japan but segues into images of things I have cooked.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


me in costume.

Emily and I are going go to the grocery store and buy some candy and eat it while playing scrabble in honor of Halloween. No one here seems to care at all about it, but I want to eat candy. I sort of had a costume - I wore cargo pants and a long sleeve teal shirt with a shirt sleeve purple one and a hat... I had binoculars in my bag to be a hiker. Sadly, I did not need my costume, as no one else was dressed oddly. I wore my halloween socks, though.

Hopefully my internet will not get turned off for a day at the beginning of the month... it was very confusing, saying that you had to pay by the 25th or they had to get your payment by the 28th or else it would be turned off from the first until three days after you paid, and I paid on the 28th... which was Saturday... so that would mean that three days after I paid would be today, which means my internet should not go anywhere. But if it does, I'll check my email at school.

I cleanedup my room a bit this afternoon, my pile of pants and sweaters was slowly expanding to take over the floor, but now they're all back on the shelf. I also swept the floor again today.

Hooray for two day weeks! We had class yesterday and today but Wednesday and Thursday (and maybe Friday and Saturday) is a holiday because Chiba University was founded on November 1st. Friday, the 3rd, is "National Culture Day", so that's a holiday for everyone. Supposedly at the university festival they have lots of inexpensive food and things to watch. I'm looking forward to having a nice break from class... I already did my homework that I got this week.

Scott and Emily and I are going to Edo-Tokyo Museum tomorrow as part of our assignmentfor history class - we are supposed to write a paper comparing an aspect of Edo (1600's to mid 1800's Tokyo) with our home town during the same era... I guess I will have to be on the lookout for exhibits about French Jesuits, fur trading and fires... since that's about all I can think of that was around Chicago between 1600 and the 1870's... and wikipedia confirms it, adding only a few military treaties and forts. There also was a beer riot. I might actually be able to compare the Haymarket Riot to the riots that happened in Edo as a result of rampany inflation after the opening of Japan to foreign trade in the 1850's. Except they didn't have the same cause at all and nothing in common (that I can disern,anyways) besides the fact that they were both riots.

I need to buy some more onions.


  • At 7:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    the Chicago Historical Society should have a website, maybe it would have something useful. remember the dioramas they had, we saw a long time ago. They recently gave themselves a more modern name, and reopened after remodeling, this fall
    I got the impression that Japanese liked sweets, or is that year round?

  • At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Two day weeks ...

    You just had to mention that, didn't you.


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