今日は or Magda's Overly Elaborate Cooking

This begins in October 2006 with my trip to Japan but segues into images of things I have cooked.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I got my electricity bill

I was shocked that it was nearly thirty dollars. I guess it's not that bad, Scott's was almost 50. I only use the light at night for a couple hours, so I guess it's my computer's being constantly plugged in and the hot plate that use all the energy. Also the incredibly inefficient hot water heater - it keeps water warm so you never have to wait for the water to get hot. I'd rather wait two minutes for the water to get up to being warm than pay to keep a thing of water at a temperature that's too hot to touch without serious pain. But I am going to make a consciencious effort to unplug things once they are charged. I wish I could unplug my phone and just plug it in when I want to talk on it, but that would probably mess up the settings and I can't really reach the outlet it's plugged into (between my desk and the wall).

I went to Saty and got a crepe with strawberry, chocolate syrup and gelato (french vanilla) - it was 290 yen because it's the 9th... the crepe place has a discount on the 9th, 19th and 29th of the month. I ran into Som and we talked for a couple minutes.

I'm really tired for some reason, I think I am going to take a shower and go to bed soon. Tomorrow morning I'm really going to try to be motivated enough to take a shower in the morning and wash my hair, since the last time I washed it was my birthday. It doesn't look bad, though, but the end of last week it was looking oily. Now it's just looking kind of flatter and dried out at the ends. It's also getting a lot longer looking, because it's reached the point where it doesn't really curl so well because it's too long and the weight ot the curl is pulling it down into a wave. Or that could be because I haven't washed it in three weeks, I'm not sure. At this rate, though, I certainly won't run out of shampoo.


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