今日は or Magda's Overly Elaborate Cooking

This begins in October 2006 with my trip to Japan but segues into images of things I have cooked.

Friday, August 24, 2007

I live in a disaster zone!!!

As always, the pictures end up in the opposite order that I intended. Oh well. We had a huge storm for about 30 minutes yesterday afternoon. My mom and dad and I werein the kitchen starting dinner (wewere going to grill pizzas) and there was this huge noise outside so we all run to the door and look out the window and there was sheets of rain and (small) tree branches blowing down the street. The house was literally shaking. So me and my mom go to the attic to check that our roof was still attached. Our roof was fine. Elsie's roof loses pieces every time it rains, but a lot came off. After the rain mostly stopped, (apparently there was a tornado warning for lakeview, which NEVER happens) we went outside and there were leaves everywhere. But then the people who live in the condo three doors east were saying that the cottonwood tree (its huge and my neighbor who is over 90 says it was big when she was little and lived in the same house) fell down. So we went out to the alley and oof. THe tree had indeed come down. It took three decks off the condo and got the top corner of the building too. But nobody got hurt. Their garage is kind of squished.

On Greenview (one street away) there were two trees blocking the street. One had somehow landed between two cars not hitting either of them, but the other tree landed directly on a car.

Lots of people were walking around ogling the storm damage. Then it started thundering and lightninging and blowing rain. After a while it stopped. Then I woke up at like 1am and it was starting up again. And today it's supposed to rain even more.

So that was exciting. Much more exciting than any of the typhoons in Japan.


  • At 12:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Chicago's weather welcomes you back. The sky is torn asunder to entertain Magdalena Caspershipp

    Two trees fell on either side of the street that we live on, so that all of the cars on our block were trapped. Three cars were smashed to smithereens.


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