今日は or Magda's Overly Elaborate Cooking

This begins in October 2006 with my trip to Japan but segues into images of things I have cooked.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

This is getting ridiculous

Every time I can think of something to write, I can't get to the login page to actually write in my blog. The server must be extremely overloaded. I'm glad I set up an email address to send posts to, so hopefully this will work.

This morning I ate some of the yogurt I bought. Adding vanilla extract to the yogurt did not,in fact, make it taste like vanilla. Adding some sugar to it made it slightly sweeter in spots, but overall also did not have a noticable effect on the flavor of the yogurt. I guess I will learn to like plain yogurt, since that's the only kind they sell in the "big" containers (which are only 500 ml, which is a little more than two cups). I did eat a lot of granola with it, and the granola is pretty good, I had gotten some brand that I think is German.

I went to the shop 99 near school, which is bigger than the one right near here, and got a glue stick and a pair of tongs... I really should have bought tongs a long time ago, like the first day I was buying kitchen stuff, but for some reason I didn't, and when I saw them as I was aimlessly wandering around, I decided I needed them.

Not really related to Japan, I've been listening to XRT streaming over the internet, and I really like the new Death Cab For Cutie song. I like the streaming radio because not only does it show you who the artist is and the title, it also shows the album cover and everything is spelled right (not like on the radio , where everything scrolls and never seems to fit quite right).

I just had some more shu mai and a steamed bun for lunch, maybe for dinner I will have pasta. Or maybe rice. I think I want to eat pasta, though. I don't have any cheese to eat with it, though, so I guess I should go spend 500 more yen on a bag of preshredded "pizza" cheese (It's probably the cheapest option, everything else is presliced and seems really small)... I also wanted to get something else, but I forget what right now... A hole puncher, I think.


  • At 6:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    maybe the granola, or other cereal, will be sweet enough. are they labeled 'muesli', or just japanese labels?


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